S9E11 -PlayStation VR2 on PC?
In this episode of Talking Gaming & Tech Call of Duty Black Ops 6 will be on Game Pass day 1. Zotac is the next company to put out a competitor to the steam deck. PlayStation VR2 headsets maybe compatible with PC soon. On the second half of the show Discord is getting a complete redesign to focus more on gaming. BYD the competitor to Tesla says there new hybrid car get 1250 miles without stopping for gas. We have even more new retro keyboard designs from 8bitdo. Then near the end how many people are really using A.I., and should fear it. Our Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TechPrimeMedia Talking Gaming & Tech is Produced by Tech Prime Media and is part of the Dorkening Podcast Network and is brought to you by Deadly Grounds Coffee! https://youtu.be/7Y2rL7v75X4?si=iHKeO4TWA4njqmJF https://deadlygroundscoffee.com/
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